Fria Moderata Studentförbundet, the Confederation of Swedish Conservative and Liberal Students, is an organisation which promotes a society with individual liberty, low taxes and a free market economy.

Fria Moderata Studentförbundet is an organisation where

  • the arguments are more important than the opinions,
  • the discussions are more important than the decisions,
  • the ideological exchange is more important than tactics.

Fria Moderata Studentförbundet also takes part in international activities in the co-operation organisation for Nordic centre-right student organisations, the Nordic Conservative Student Union; in the European centre-right student organisation European Democrat Students and in the global centre-right youth and student organisation, the International Young Democrat Union.

The current (2021) chairman of FMSF is Mr. John Norell, current Secretary General is Mr. Folke Johannesson and current international secretary is Mr. Martin Bergman. FMSF can be contacted via [email protected]

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